Monthly Archives: August 2018


Raising poultry; a chattering of chicks

2018-08-15T13:10:55+01:00August 15th, 2018|Chickens, Farm, Smallholding|

Part of our plan for self-sufficiency included breeding and raising a breed of dual purpose chicken the Light Sussex, favourite amongst smallholders for both meat and eggs.  As with many plans on our farm, we were still thinking about setting up a chicken run for raising male meat birds separate from laying hens when one of our neighbours was looking to re-home a Light Sussex cockerel [...]

Raising waterfowl; a paddling of ducks

2018-08-14T11:39:27+01:00August 13th, 2018|Ducks, Farm, Smallholding|

Our wish list of animals we wanted to raise on our Smallholding did not include ducks, but when a paddling of five ducks came up for sale locally they seemed to be the next step. We named our four beautiful Aylesbury ducks Francis (the drake), Mrs Yellow, Mrs Pink and Mrs Green (to match their leg rings) and the noisy Pekin, Jemima.  The breeder advised us [...]